- Tourmente M*, Sansegundo E, Rial E, Roldan ERS*. Bioenergetic changes in response to sperm capacitation and two-way metabolic compensation in a new murine model. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 2023; 80:11. * co-corresponding authors.
Cataldi GG, Elorza SD, Toledano-Zaragoza A, de Olmos S, Cragnolini AB, Martín MG. Cholesterol-24-hydroxylase (CYP46) in the old brain: Analysis of positive populations and factors triggering its expression in astrocytes. J Comp Neurol. 2023;531(3):486-499doi: 10.1002/cne.25436. Epub 2022 Dec 1
Sansegundo E, Tourmente M*, Roldan ERS*. Energy metabolism and hyperactivation of spermatozoa from three mouse species under capacitating conditions. Cells. 2022; 11:220. * co-corresponding authors.
Tourmente M*, Sanchez-Rodriguez A, Roldan ERS*. Effect of motility factors d-penicillamine, hypotaurine and epinephrine on the performance of spermatozoa from five hamster species. Biology. 2022; 11:526. * co-corresponding authors.
Tourmente M*, Sansegundo E, Rial E, Roldan ERS*. Capacitation promotes a shift in energy metabolism in murine sperm. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2022; 10:950979. * co-corresponding authors.
Sanchez-Rodriguez A, Sansegundo E, Tourmente M, Roldan ERS. Effect of high viscosity on energy metabolism and kinematics of spermatozoa from three mouse species incubated under capacitating conditions. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022; 23:15247.
- Korai SA, Sepe G, Luongo L, Cragnolini AB, Cirillo G. Editorial: Glial Cells, Maladaptive Plasticity, and Neurodegeneration: Mechanisms, Targeted Therapies, and Future Directions. Front Cell Neurosci. 2021;15:682524. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2021.682524. eCollection 2021.
Jiménez-Guri E, Roberts KE, García FC, Tourmente M, Longdon B, Godley BJ. Transgenerational effects on development following microplastic exposure in Drosophila melanogaster. PeerJ. 2021; 9:e11369.
Arévalo L, Tourmente M, Varea‐Sánchez M, Ortiz‐García D, Roldan ERS. Sexual selection towards a protamine expression ratio optimum in two rodent groups? Evolution. 2021; 75:2124-2131.
- Giojalas LC, Guidobaldi HA, Cragnolini AB, Franchi AN, Garcia Romano L, Bermudez GMA, Danelon V, Moreno Irusta A, Domínguez EM, Figueras López Understanding new molecular and cell biology findings based on progressive scientific practices and interconnected activities in undergraduate students. MJ.Biochem Mol Biol Educ. 2020 Aug 21.
- Cragnolini AB*, Lampitella G*, Virtuoso A, Viscovo I, Panetsos F, Papa M, Cirillo G. Regional brain susceptibility to neurodegeneration: what is the role of glial cells? Neural Regeneration Research. 2020 May;15(5):838-842. *co-authors.
- Montroull LE, Danelon V, Cragnolini AB*, Mascó DH*. Loss of TrkB signaling due to status epilepticus induces a proBDNF-dependent cell death. Frontiers Cell Neurosc. 2019; 8;13:4. *co-corresponding authors.
- Cragnolini AB, Montenegro G, Friedman WJ, Mascó DH. Brain-region specific responses of astrocytes to an in vitro injury and neurotrophins. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2018; 88:240-248.
- Danelon V, Cragnolini AB, Mascó D. TrkB and the calpain dependent-Tc TrkB receptor isoforms: possible neurological therapeutic targets. Journal of Neurology & Neuromedicine. 2016; 1(7): 31-36.
- Grasso EJ, Oliveira RG, Maggio B. Surface interactions, thermodynamics and topography of binary monolayers of Insulin with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine and 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine at the air/water interface. J Colloid Interface Sci. 2016 Feb 15;464:264-76.
- Guidobaldi HA, Jeyaram Y, Condat CA, Oviedo M, Berdakin I, Moshchalkov VV, Giojalas LC, Silhanek AV, Marconi VI. Disrupting the wall accumulation of human sperm cells by artificial corrugation. 24;9(2):024122. 2015. (FI=3.8)
- Ernesto JI, Weigel Muñoz M, Battistone M, Vasen G, Martínez-López P, Orta G, Figueiras-Fierro D, De la Vega-Beltran JL, Moreno IA, Guidobaldi HA, Giojalas L, Darszon A, Cohen DJ, Cuasnicú PS. CRISP1 as a novel CatSper regulator that modulates sperm motility and orientation during fertilization. Journal of Cell Biology, 210(7):1213-1224. 2015. (FI=9.7)
- Giojalas LC, Guidobaldi HA, Sánchez R. Sperm Chemotaxis in Mammals, en “Flagellar mechanics and sperm guidance”, Edr. J. Cosson; Ed. Bentham SciencePublishers. eISBN: 978-1-68108-128-1, 2015; ISBN: 978-1-68108-129-82015.
- Cosson JJ, Giojalas LC. Conclusions on sperm guidance features, en “Flagellar mechanics and sperm guidance”, Edr. J. Cosson; Ed. Bentham SciencePublishers. eISBN: 978-1-68108-128-1, 2015; ISBN: 978-1-68108-129-82015.
- Grasso EJ, Oliveira RG and Maggio B. Surface interactions, thermodynamics and topography of binary monolayers of Insulin with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine and 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine at the air/water interface. Journal of Colloids and Interface Science, 2015 464:264-76.
- Uñates DR, Guidobaldi HA, Gatica LV, Cubilla MA, Teves ME, Moreno A, Giojalas LC. Versatile action of negligible gradients of progesterone on different sperm subpopulations. PlosOne, 9(3):e91181. 2014.(FI= 3.5)
- Guidobaldi A, Jeyaram Y, Berdakin I, Moshchalkov VV, Condat CA, Marconi VI, Giojalas L, Silhanek AV. Geometrical guidance and trapping transition of human sperm cells. Physical Review E, 89(3):032720. 2014. (FI=2.3)
- Grasso EJ, Oliveira RG and Maggio B. Rheological properties of human regular insulin and aspart insulin at the air-water interface: condensing effect of Zn2+ ions in the subphase. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2014 115:219-28
- Gatica LV, Guidobaldi HA, Montesinos MM, Teves ME, Moreno AI, Uñates DR, Molina RI, Giojalas LC. Picomolar gradients of progesterone select functional human sperm even in subfertile samples. Molecular Human Reproduction, 19(9):559-569. 2013. (FI=3.5)
- Giojalas LC. Infertility treatment, a matter of a lovely sperm?.Asian Journal of Andrology, 15(6):719-20. 2013. (FI=2.5)
- Grasso EJ, Oliveira RG, Oksdath M, Quiroga S, Maggio B. Controlled organization of insulin nanofilms modulates neuron polarization in solid-supported cultures. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2013 107:59-67.
- Grasso EJ and Calderón RO. Membrane lipids and proteins as modulators of urothelial vesicles pathways. Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 2013 140(5):507-520.
- Cragnolini AB, Volosin M, Huang Y, Friedman WJ. Nerve growth factor induces cell cycle arrest of astrocytes. Dev Neurobiol. 2012;72(6):766-76.
- Díaz-Amarilla P, Olivera-Bravo S, Trias E, Cragnolini A, Martínez-Palma L, Cassina P, Beckman J, Barbeito L. Phenotypically aberrant astrocytes that promote motoneuron damage in a model of inherited amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011;108(44):18126-31.